Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stupid Fly

My Incredible Story Of The Night:
I'm exhausted and about to sleep when I hear buzzing above my head. It's a HUGE fly. Those if you who know me, flies are like spiders and snakes to any other girl. I'm chasing it around my room with a roll of wrapping paper like a madwoman because I know I can't sleep until I kill it. It lands on my scarf and I whack at it, not expecting to kill or hit it but I do. It falls right onto my ukulele, hitting a string and into the whole. So now I have a dead fly in my uke and I'm holding wrapping paper like a crazy. I'm sleep deprived. Goodnight.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Lovely Saturday. In my house the sound of gospel music at seven in the morning heralds the start of an extraordinarily long cleaning day. While it's quiet this morning, it's soon to change with people running around, doing their own thing.
This Saturday it's my cleaning day. I've been sick with a sinus infection and half flu for a week. So here comes the laundry, the paper, the cables and the notebooks. Here we go.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day #1

You may or may not be wondering who I am, (though I suspect if you're still reading this you must be at least a bit interested... Or bored... What have you.)
My name is Racheal-bet you couldn't guess that one.
I chose my domain name because, according to my boyfriend, if I was a color I'd be yellow. Bright and beautiful as he calls me. What's amazing about it (and him) is he actually took the time to look the color up and find all its meanings before he told me. Yes, he is just that amazing.
My best friend is a brat. She's wonderful, but a brat, no less. Tonight she basically told me that getting a boyfriend was the best thing that ever happened to me and that she wanted to wring my neck. A true best friend, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm thoroughly involved in my church because God is actually the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm not sure He could quite say the same though.
I also love birds, surprise, surprise.
You might say, "Wait, I thought you were telling me about yourself-who you are."
I simply reply, "I did."
I firmly believe that you are your experiences, the people you hang out with, the things you care about most.
Well, here I am.